Archive for Month: June 2016

Fallout 4 Settlement Building – Sanctuary Power Plant
I’ve been watching a lot of videos lately about settlement building. I’ve done so because the play through I’m working at the moment is centered around the Minutemen. Their goal is to rebuild the Commonwealth and make it a better place, so I’m trying to put myself in that […]

Fallout 4 – Commonwealth Sunrise
Greygarden. Early in the morning. 210 years after my world ended. Hard to believe that after all the devastation, that the sunrise over Boston still takes my breath. Even through the early-morning fog, the familiar skyline is there. 210 years hasn’t changed the fact that Boston is home. I keep […]

Fallout 4 – Ever Vigilant
No matter what the situation, the men and women assigned to guard the settlements created by The Minutemen stand vigilant. Through rain, wind, raider, mutant and ghoul attacks, and even RAD Storms, these chosen few do their jobs and keep the settlements safe. It takes a special breed of person […]
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