Archive for Month: March 2016

Distress Signal – Fallout 4
I’ve seen some completely messed up things since being frozen in Vault 111. The death of my wife. The kidnapping of my son. The world blown to hell. Humans turned into mutated freaks by FEV. But when the Brotherhood sent me to clear out Fallon’s Department Store, nothing prepared me […]

Kellogg – Fallout 4
Well, true to his word, Nick found enough clues to lead me to the man that I’ve been looking for ever since I made it out of the vault. He’s a mercenary that had lived in Diamond city for a while, but recently disappeared. His name is Kellogg. He’s the […]

Valentine Detective Agency – Fallout 4
Nick Valentine. Diamond City’s own private detective. How is he going to get me any closer to Shaun? How is a Synth – and a busted one at that – going to help me find my son when I don’t even know where to start looking? Why am I even […]

Fallon’s Maze – Fallout 4
I don’t know who did all of this, but someone has taken over the parking garage across from Fallon’s Department Store and turned it into…well, turned into a maze. A frighting maze full of grotesque horrors, sights and traps. The more I wondered through the maze the more disturbed I […]
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