Author: PacketLoss

Fallout 4 – ELI Test Screenshots
Just a few screenshots from my current Fallout 4 setup.

New Project – Unbound
A couple of weeks ago, I watched and participated in a live stream with the folks at The Character Crusade. During that show, a small comment turned into a new project for them, and for me. They call it Character Crusade Unbound. I’ll refer to it simply as Unbound. The […]

So…It’s Been A While.
But I’m back and I’m going to college. Well, my Skyrim character is going to college. The College of Winterhold. Think Hogwarts for Nords. Just wanted to post a few screenshots. As time and awesome views of Tamriel permit, I’ll add more.

Elder Scrolls Online
For about 4 months (maybe 5), I’ve been enjoying Elder Scrolls Online. I’ve been amazed at the depth of the game, the place it plays in Elder Scrolls history and they way that the stories weave into the established Elder Scrolls lore. To be honest I was surprised at quickly […]

Fallout 4 Settlement Building – Sanctuary Power Plant
I’ve been watching a lot of videos lately about settlement building. I’ve done so because the play through I’m working at the moment is centered around the Minutemen. Their goal is to rebuild the Commonwealth and make it a better place, so I’m trying to put myself in that […]
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