Blog Posts

CouchWarrior and Erinyes Arcana
I’ve been following this “Let’s Play” series from the beginning (although I just started watching it in earnest about 3 months ago). From the beginning I liked Stu’s (the CouchWarrior) presentation and they way he used the game as a mere backdrop for his story. The way that he used his […]

Companion’s Farewell
A moment between friends at the end of a journey. Goodbye Kodlack, Harbinger of the Companions.

Things I Learned in Skyrim Today
First I learned about this: A display for the fragments of Wuuthrad on the wall as you go downstairs in Jorrvaskr. Walked by it a hundred times, never saw it until today. Then, just a few moments ago, I learned that you can equip and fire regular arrows with a […]

Bring Me That Horizon
I took a long tour of the shore of the Sea of Ghosts tonight in Skyrim. I really hadn’t intended to look for a screenshot, but when I looked back toward Dawnstar I was stunned with the view, so here it is. Hope you enjoy.

Skyrim Modding: Thoughts for Next Time
I am 118 hours into my most recent play through of Skyrim. While I’ve enjoyed it overall – I still have a LOT left to do – I’m learning that modding Skyrim the way that I have may, MAY, have pushed things too far. I say that because I’m finding […]
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