Tag: screenshot

Fallout 4 – ELI Test Screenshots
Just a few screenshots from my current Fallout 4 setup.

So…It’s Been A While.
But I’m back and I’m going to college. Well, my Skyrim character is going to college. The College of Winterhold. Think Hogwarts for Nords. Just wanted to post a few screenshots. As time and awesome views of Tamriel permit, I’ll add more.

Fallout 4 – Commonwealth Sunrise
Greygarden. Early in the morning. 210 years after my world ended. Hard to believe that after all the devastation, that the sunrise over Boston still takes my breath. Even through the early-morning fog, the familiar skyline is there. 210 years hasn’t changed the fact that Boston is home. I keep […]

Fallout 4 – Ever Vigilant
No matter what the situation, the men and women assigned to guard the settlements created by The Minutemen stand vigilant. Through rain, wind, raider, mutant and ghoul attacks, and even RAD Storms, these chosen few do their jobs and keep the settlements safe. It takes a special breed of person […]

Fallout 4 – The Red Rocket in a RAD Storm
Lisa just left Sanctuary and had just made it to the Red Rocket coolant station when a RAD Storm erupted. She ran inside for protection, but not before discovering exactly what the storm was. Luckily for her, she didn’t soak up many RADs.
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