Tag: screenshots

Fallout 4 – Far Harbor DLC is B-E-A-UTIFUL!
Without a doubt, Bethesda has, with the Fallout 4 Far Harbor DLC, created the best looking, most atmospheric environment I have EVER seen in a video game. Want proof? Here are a couple of untouched (except for what the Cinematic Excellence ReShade/ENB preset does to the image) screenshots.

An Arrow to the Knee
“I used to be an adventurer like you. Then I took an arrow to the knee.” If you’ve played Skyrim AT ALL – or even just heard about it – you’ve probably heard this saying. If you haven’t, it’s probably worth you taking a look at this video. (WARNING, it […]

Header Image – Credit Where Credit is Due
While I did “technically” create the dragon header image above, all I did was add the text and line on top of an incredible screenshot. I can not claim the screenshot however, that one belongs to one of the artists of Dead End Thrills. Specifically, I used a small portion […]
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