Tag: Character

Fallout 4 – Lisa Murdock, Survivalist.
Meet Lisa, my newest Fallout 4 character and Survival Mode experiment. Not to give everything away, but, she’s an ex-DIA agent turned sole survivor of a Vault-Tec experiment who has awoke to the aftermath of nuclear devastation 200 years after it happened. Stay tuned for more.

Skyrim Character: Torac
Torac is my mage – the first mage that I have kept playing for more than 6 levels. He’s been difficult at times to play, but he has always been fun. I’ve more than once thought about turning the rest of his play through (which still has a lot of […]

Skyrim Character: Miranda
History Mirada is Breton, although she was born in Skyrim. Her parents were merchants and traveled all over Tamriel. While Miranda’s family prospered, in Miranda’s teen years, she noticed how hard it was for her parents to keep things going. How much time was spent on everything but what seemed […]
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