Tag: lets play

Turien Makes It To Windhelm
After a grueling trip from Black Light, Morrowind, Turien crossed the Great Bridge of Windhelm and approaches the gates of this ancient city. He was not expecting the people to be as cold as the frozen air that surrounds the city.

The 5 Fables and Turien’s Tale
For the past two weeks (beginning with my Christmas break), I’ve been planning and working on a new Skyrim Let’s Play – no, that’s not right, it’s really a story based in the Elder Scroll’s universe during the events/time of the game Skyrim. I’ve entitled this story, Turien’s Tale – […]

Character Crusade
If you haven’t already seen it, I blogged a few months ago about “Let’s Live” named Erinyes Arcana by The CouchWarrior. Well, he and two of his friends, Joe and Matt, have teamed up to create a whole thing* called I’ve been following them since the “podcast” started and I’ve enjoyed […]
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