Tag: skyrim

So…It’s Been A While.
But I’m back and I’m going to college. Well, my Skyrim character is going to college. The College of Winterhold. Think Hogwarts for Nords. Just wanted to post a few screenshots. As time and awesome views of Tamriel permit, I’ll add more.

Greygarden – Fallout 4
Greygarden. A technological marvel. 200 years ago. Dr. Edward Grey, a nut…er..eccentric engineer from RobCo, built or supervised the building of this fully autonomous hydroponic greenhouse. I remember watching a blurb about it on the evening news the day it opened, just a few days before the “Great War”. Hard […]

An Arrow to the Knee
“I used to be an adventurer like you. Then I took an arrow to the knee.” If you’ve played Skyrim AT ALL – or even just heard about it – you’ve probably heard this saying. If you haven’t, it’s probably worth you taking a look at this video. (WARNING, it […]

Turien Makes It To Windhelm
After a grueling trip from Black Light, Morrowind, Turien crossed the Great Bridge of Windhelm and approaches the gates of this ancient city. He was not expecting the people to be as cold as the frozen air that surrounds the city.

The 5 Fables and Turien’s Tale
For the past two weeks (beginning with my Christmas break), I’ve been planning and working on a new Skyrim Let’s Play – no, that’s not right, it’s really a story based in the Elder Scroll’s universe during the events/time of the game Skyrim. I’ve entitled this story, Turien’s Tale – […]
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