Blog Posts

Ad Victoriam – Fallout 4
The Brotherhood of Steel they called themselves. Three people (They started with seven, I think) sent to Boston to look for “technology”. Actually I think they are actually looking for the “effects of technology” instead. Because they seems to things for killing mutants and Synths. Synths are something new to […]

Creepy – Fallout 4
I don’t know why, but every time I see one of these monkey I think two things: “Man that’s creepy.” and “That frakkin’ thing is watching me.” I guess it’s the eyes or something. It’s like it’s starting at me – no matter where I am. I can’t believe that […]

Greygarden – Fallout 4
Greygarden. A technological marvel. 200 years ago. Dr. Edward Grey, a nut…er..eccentric engineer from RobCo, built or supervised the building of this fully autonomous hydroponic greenhouse. I remember watching a blurb about it on the evening news the day it opened, just a few days before the “Great War”. Hard […]

Clean up on Aisles 7, 8 and 9 – Fallout 4
When I entered Lexington, the first building I recognized was the “Super Duper Mart”. I didn’t go inside the night I made my way to the Corvega factory, but I put it on my list to come back. I don’t know why; I always hated shopping before. I guess I […]

Open for Business – Fallout 4
The Drumlin Diner – one of the worst dives in all of Boston. And the best place for a burger in a hundred miles. When I first saw it, I couldn’t believe it stood. Compared to some of the buildings I’d seen in the past few days, it was in […]
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